Monday, September 29, 2008

The subtlety of songs

i was suddenly thinking about one of my favourite songs that a friend a long long time ago introduced to me. The music is simple and the melody is soft and soothing and the lyrics (well, at least initially) seemed to have a rather sweet yet meaningful tone to it (not like some of the superficial cliche's of quite a majority of the songs these days). Anyways... i looked it up and here it is

Lily, my one and only

I can hardly wait till I see her

Silly, I know I'm silly

Cause I'm hanging in this tree

In the hopes that she will catch a glimpse of me

And thru her window shade

I watch her shadow move

I wonder if she.......?

Lily, my one and only

Love is in my heart and in your eyes

Will she or won't she want him

No one knows for sure

But an officer is knocking at my door

And thru her window shade

I watch her shadow move

I wonder if she could only see me?

And when I'm with her I feel fine

If I could kiss her I wouldn't mind the time it took to find

My lily, my one and only

I can hardly wait till I see her

Oh lily, I know you love me

Cause as they're draggin me away

I swear I saw her raise her hand and wave (goodbye)

by the Smashing Pumpkins

but... as i read through the lyrics and tried to remember the tune to the song i realised that hey, this song has more to it than what it seems. i've probably got to look it up and perhaps look at it again but after skimming through it a few times i realise that this song could very well be about a peeping tom who has this infatuation/obsession with someone. You think?

A stalker of sorts perhaps?

Man, and to think all this while i thought it's such a beautiful piece... fit for serenading someone (and that it is if you minus the lyrics and the message it's sending).

So ya,

i guess it brings the whole issue of really listening to what we're listening into perspective. i mean these days there's so much stuff just screaming out the radios and our television sets that we tend to after awhile drown out the details and just take in the generalities like it means nothing. "oh, that's a catchy tune" , "i just love the way that song sounds'...etc. But perhaps it's time to listen to not just the sounds but the words... to take heed of not just the melody but the message.

otherwise, for all you know you could be declaring to the next person you love that you're a stalker ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dr.V

u shud listen to lucky by jason mraz!!! its simply perfect...
i bet u'l love it...
i bet ling is ur bestfren

tc...god bless :)